What are Positive Drive conveyor belts?

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Also called homogeneous belt, is an easy to clean, positive drive, used in the food processing industry. It’s very good for food, like meet.
Have a 100% closed surface, a homogeneous structure and are available in smooth and textured surfaces.


  • Bakery
  • Meat, poultry and seafood
  • Fruit and vegetable
  • Beverage and brewery
  • Snack
  • Tortilla
  • Dairy
  • Confectionary
  • Cookies and crackers

Fewer maintenance concerns:
The solid surface meets strict hygienic performance standards, reducing the risk of bacterial growth and cross-contamination during maintenance.

Food safety:
It’s very good for food, like meet. If you’re needing a belt for a food processing application

Durability against corrosion and abrasion
For applications involving harsh chemicals, Positive Drive conveyor belts withstand the abuse where other belts could become brittle and break, a major sanitation risk. The belts also have high abrasion resistance and no edge fraying.

Sanitation simplified
Due to the nature of the homogenous thermoplastic urethane, there is no fabric to absorb moisture, bacteria or oils and no hinge points where product builds up. This means up to a 75% reduction in cleaning time, as well as lower compressed air and water usage by sanitation crews. The belts are also scraper-friendly and easily cleaned on the machine, meaning less wear and tear from constant removal and re-installation.

Famouse Brands:
1. Volta SuperDrive
2. Volta Dual Drive
3. Chiorino HP Compact Drive
4. Cog-Veyor
5. Gates Mectrol
6. Magnathane